Sananga eye drops

While visiting Feather Crown for an Ayahuasca retreat, you will be able to meet a powerful rainforest medicine of the Kichwa people, that is Sananga. Applied to one’s eyes, it sharpens the vision and heals the sinuses, but it also brings a sense of deep peace and tranquility into ones soul, creating a powerful protection from negative energies. Drops of this medicine are made from Tabernaemontana, which is found around us in the jungle. This assures its freshness and strength.


Benefits of Sananga drops

The Matsés, Huni Kuin, and Yawanawá tribesmen use the drops in preparation for hunting. It sharpens hunter’s sight and night vision and enhances the perception of moving objects. It makes hunter patient while waiting for his prey, and …
Sananga drops can heal eye diseases including myopia. They purify and strengthens eyes. The hot energy of the sananga drops resembles chili (but isn’t that strong) and expands to the whole face and head, healing our sinuses and taking out stuck phlegm. The Kichwa tribesmen in Ecuador use Sananga through the nose (singalina), which has a deep cleansing effect for sinuses and throat. Those of you who suffer from chronic illnesses of eyes or nose can use this medicine every day for several weeks.

The Uchu sanango plant

Sananga drops are made from a plant that we call Uchu Sanango. In Kichwa uchu means “hot, strong, peppery”. Sanango is from Spanish sanar, to heal. This plant is like a general doctor able to heal many kinds of diseases. This plant is very sacred for us, and apart from receiving your Sananga eye drops, you can also apply for an 8-day diet with it after your Ayahuasca retreat has ended. More about the full Uchu sanango medicine will be published soon.

Sananga drops ceremony

This ritual takes place in the ceremonial temple or on the bank of the sacred river at the property. 1-2 drops are put into each eye. It is somehow painful and we recommend breathing deeply and wiping one’s eyes. Facing this pain and learning how to deal with it strengthens our spirit and strengthens it in a powerful way. The burning disappears after a few minutes. After that, a deep sense of calmness and tranquility resides in one’s mind and soul. We take advantage of the after-effects for silent meditations in nature, during which we receive deep insights into our life. This plant is regarded as a powerful plant teacher who cleanses us from negative energy, stuck negative emotions, sadness, fear, depression, anxiety, or stress. It grounds us we may receive teaching through directly realizing things. Sananga drops calm obsessive thinking, clears our mind, helps us to find focus, and react in a calm and ordered way.

Sananga drops for spiritual connection

The uchu sanango plant, from which we make the Sananga drops, is highly valued by traditional wise men, yachaks, and shamans of the Amazon. It helps the person to strengthen spiritual connection and acquire energies and knowledge necessary to be able to guide, heal, and lead fellow tribesmen. This plant has a spirit, which can present to us in the form of a beautiful woman, or as a wise old man, or a different form. This spirit then gives us company in our life, in our ceremonies, teaching us, taking care of us, and leading us in our life. It is a true treasure of the jungle, and we are deeply honored and happy to be able to share it with visitors at Feather Crown. You can also purchase this gift for your use at home.
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